CEO Roundtable


CEO Roundtable brings CEOs, Presidents, Insurance Agents, Independent Contractors,  and Company Owners together for an invigorating exchange of information, ideas and insights. Members meet in peer groups of 3 to 15 members per location and from non-competing companies. They delve into candid, solution- seeking discussions focused on CEO-level issues the challenges and pressures unique to top-level management.

This dynamic convergence of people and ideas results in:

Better informed decision making

Out of the Box - "Creative Thinking"

Accountability - the proactive approach

More effective visionary thinking

Who Joins CEO Roundtable? 

The members come from diverse companies and backgrounds but they share some common values. They know:


Learning from peers is very effective and efficient.


they can benefit from the experience and expertise of other CEOs


They demand a high return on their investment of time and money


How to improve on income/revenue relating to collaboration